We believe that a thriving local food system is the foundation for healthy, resilient communities
Sprout City Farms Sprout City Farms collaborates with communities to pursue food justice by cultivating innovative, restorative, and educational farms.
Visit the Farms
Volunteer Days
Volunteering gives community members the opportunity to work alongside our farmers and gain valuable skills related to growing food in a community setting.
We host regular weekly volunteer days (Fridays from 10am-12pm at Denver Green School), as well as special group volunteer events throughout the season (by appointment). Volunteers—be they experienced gardeners or those looking to learn more about farming and SCF programs—are encouraged to attend. All ages are welcome!
Field Trips
We love having students of all ages out on the farm! Fill out our Visit Request Form to schedule your visit!
You are welcome to schedule a private tour with our staff to see the field up close and learn more in-depth about all of our operations and programs!
SCF Markets & CSA Shares
Community farm stands offer farm-fresh veggies, fruit, herbs, eggs, flowers, and more throughout the summer and fall. “Suggested donation” prices support healthy food access for the community, enabling those that can support the farm to do so, and encouraging others to participate at a level that suits their needs. Our farm stands accept SNAP/EBT and SNAP customers receive half-price thanks to Double Up Food Bucks Colorado!
Sprout City Farms strives to grow produce that is culturally meaningful to all members of the communities we serve, and to locate our Community Farm Stands where access to affordable fresh food is limited.
We have a booth at the Longmont Farmers Market on Saturdays from 8am-1pm, mid-April through mid-November.
We also offer CSA programs in Denver and Longmont. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) provides not only a generous supply of organically grown produce each week to members, but it also creates educational opportunities for people to learn about seasonal availability of produce, get to know their farmers, and actively build connections in their community food system. Memberships are paid over the winter, providing the needed capital to start farming each spring (spots typically fill up by March). Members then visit their farm each week throughout summer and fall to pick up a share of the harvest.
Read More → (Farm Stands)
Read More → (CSA Programs)
Farm with Us
The SCF Beginning Farmer Education program helps aspiring farmers and those interested in the food system acquire the skills needed to ensure that urban agriculture can proliferate.
Our internship and apprenticeship programs are valuable opportunities for anyone interested in the growing field of urban agriculture. We host high school and college students, recent graduates, folks from the neighborhoods around our farms… and anyone interested in getting involved! Our program provides paid entry-level work, hands-on learning of the workings of a small-scale sustainable farming operation, and is supplemented with additional monthly educational opportunities.
Become a Cultivator
The Cultivators is a group of people who deeply believe in our mission and choose to make a recurring monthly donation in support of our work to foster thriving local food systems as a foundation for healthy, resilient communities.
Becoming a Cultivator not only allows for you to make a significant yearly gift broken up into manageable monthly payments, it is a reliable source of revenue Sprout City Farms can use to germinate perennial progress in the communities we serve.
Your monthly donation will support our community farm operations, educational and farmer training programs, and most importantly, help us continue to provide over 55% of each farm’s harvest to those who need it the most.